Getting Ready Playlist

My getting ready Playlist

One thing that I really do miss about my teenage years was getting dolled up with my girlfriends. They would come to my house before a night out and we would get dressed and do our hair and makeup. Lots of gossip, fun, music, and hair and makeup. I’m a really girly girl and I love getting dolled up for special occasions. 
After I had my kids, my entire lifestyle changed and I wasn’t going out with my girlfriends anymore because I was in full on mommy mode. 
Almost 10 years later, my kids are older and I have had more time to go to dinner with my friends and spend time with them without having to pay a babysitter or feel guilty that someone else is dealing with my toddler. Things have gotten so much easier as they have grown and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
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Not only did I stop doing my hair and makeup all the time, but I didn’t really listen to the same music I used to either. My pop and hip hop songs quickly turned into the itsy bitsy spider once I became a mom. But no matter where I am in the stage of my life, listening to music and doing my hair and makeup will always be therapeutic to me and I’ve decided to get back into it. It’s the kind of self care that I need in my life these days. I’m putting together an playlist on Spotify of all the best getting ready songs that I can remember. I add new ones all the time, but here are my favorites so far. 

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